February 9, 2011


As I mentioned previously, I'm new to the world of blogging, but I realized in a dream last night (also involving Galaga spacecraft, for no important reason) that it's also a great way to let you all in on what new developments are percolating.

Last night I attended a pitch practice session at 151 Locust, an entrepreneur fostering workshop space in Avondale Estates.  Now admittedly, most of the folks who seem to attend these things are in the IT/tech world. They talk about B2B and workforce management and a whole lot of other stuff that's relatively alien to me.  Maybe that's where the Galaga dream came from?  But the reason I go is to get practice telling people about Cabiria, and about how to ask for what I need to make it a beautiful reality.

I've been working hard on getting together images, materials, and information so I can go on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo and really make people sit up and notice.  I've been trying to build out the Cabiriastyle website so the site can be live at least as a potential show space before I have product.  And I've been researching the best options for integrating this blog here, an e-commerce space that looks as high quality as my clothing, and hosting support.  So much to do just to get the dress samples made in the first place!

The one thing I know is that all the years I've spent designing and making beautiful clothes, shopping for other people and trying to find perfect shapes for bodies similar to my own means Cabiria will be gorgeous.    The hurdle of financing the first samples is small, if you really look at it in perspective, and it can be done with a little help from my friends.

Looking forward to updating you all soon, hopefully with news that a crowdsource funding site is live and waiting for you!


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