July 26, 2011

Less than a week until the new studio is set up!

It's a short post this week, but it's a good one: On Saturday and Sunday, Cabiria will be moving into it's new studio space! Been spending a lot of time getting it all set up and figured out, and I'm happy with the results so far. Last step will be to get on in there. How exciting!


July 19, 2011

Getting it together in New Yawk...

Hello all!

I know I've been horribly delinquent in posting how things are going for Cabiria. I am officially hand slapped. What I've been up to has been administrative, mostly - establishing the new LLC in New York State, talking to New york based patternmakers and samplemakers, and hunting for new workroom furniture, including an enormous cutting table. So much whirlwind activity, blogging ended up slipping to the side. Mea culpa!

The upshot is that dresses like this one:

will be coming together here in New York soon!

Stay tuned, folks. Stay tuned.
