September 5, 2012

Bucolic settings

Hello friends,

It's been quite the adventure here in Cabiria Studios! There are some aspects to starting a business that are, let's say not my favorite tasks. You learn an incredible amount while reviewing contracts and usage documentation, and you gain skills when programming websites and social media integration, but I tip my hat to those who take pleasure in these tasks and accomplish them well.

To that end, if there are any interns interested on working on locations or on a fashion photo shoot with an incredible team of professionals, please get in touch with me as soon as possible!

The parts I enjoy are having sample fittings and watching the line come together, from research and inspiration, to sketch, to patterns and muslins, to putting on the first finished sample for the line. Incredibly thrilling, even when it's on a humid, sweaty day and the pins are jabbing your tender skin! I was tempted to take a few photos at the fitting yesterday as a sneak peek, but then realized that I want to show you all the beautiful, glamorous side instead.

In the meantime, we're hunting down some Italianate locations around the city. The wonderful part of this, is that I get to play tourist and photographer at the same time, strolling up and down the streets of my beloved town, looking for the perfect frame that steals New York away and transplants you into Italy in the 19th century. Finishing that with a glass of wine with a friend has to be the best part of any job.

Now comes the detective part of this job; tracking down the building management companies, the superintendents, the gatekeepers, literally. So many padlocked gates in the city! I enjoy the detective work, and truly hope it opens doors for my crew to come inside.

In the meantime, I encourage you all to go to your nearest corner bistro, order a lovely glass of wine, and enjoy the upcoming autumn. I will leave you with some of the bucolic sites I saw yesterday. Happy Wednesday! - Eden

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